Southeast Asia is a part of the world that many companies are eyeing when it comes to growth potential. This is true for nearly all aspects of business, so it only makes sense that shipping and transport in this region is something that needs to grow and change too. Major shipping player DHL has seen…
The manufacturing industry is changing, and technology is continuing to play a greater and greater role in the industry. Those who are considering the future for their own manufacturing or shipping firms can benefit from knowing about upcoming trends in the industry. Here are the Top 5 Manufacturing Trends in 2015: Internet of Things Growing connectivity…
A wide variety of products are manufactured and distributed in countries all over the world. While each company has their own version of quality control agencies such as the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) are actively involved in seeing that these standards are met. European countries…
Freight forwarding has becoming one of the hottest careers in the United States. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projected job growth for freight forwarders to be near 24%. Freight forwards need to be well organized and need to be able to communicate with representatives from several other countries. They must be educated in customs…
In 2013, eighty different countries contributed to the 9.9 million barrels of oil that the United States imported each day. The oil, of course, refers to petroleum which is used more specifically as crude oil, diesel fuel, or gasoline. Biofuels are also included among the imports. The vast majority, 78%, of U.S. petroleum import come…
When shipping items overseas, Cargo theft can be a huge problem. Thefts do occur, and occur often, but there are steps a business can take to ensure that theft is less likely to happen to them. As a global trade directory, Globallity wants to help our readers understand the steps they can take to Prevent Cargo…
While shipping non-document packages from the United States into Canada requires a little bit more than just dropping the items into a box and sticking a label onto it, the process is simpler than much exportation. The most important thing to keep in mind is making sure the package will clear customs. Here are a…